Ethical And Environmental Issues Caused By Abercrombie & Fitch

The dark and concealed secrets of fashion,
Involving ethical and environmental matters.

From the research I have found that Abercrombie & Fitch are not the innocent brand as they were telling peopleThe brand in September 15 2017 were a part of a global appeal where they were addressing the matters of deforestation, in a way they would protect the trees by replacing the fabric/fibres like Visco and Rayon as they were exposed to the environmental risk and were wanting to change (Ethan Nuss, 2017). Nonetheless, in previous years, it was found that they had lied about their policy and adapting to the change. This did not appear to the public as a good healthy brand as they were not reliable or honest. They still stocked almost 300 items made from fabric made using the trees. This had many people protest until they were forced into taking action and were forced to follow the request of no longer using trees. (Ethan Nuss, 2017)

In addition, the brand is not operating in an ethical manner, as they advertise themselves to be a casual luxury brand, but they are using the method of fast fashion. They were also found to be lacking in health and safety, as in December 2012 in Bangladesh a manufacturing factory owned by Abercrombie & Fitch was set on fire.  This lead to 2,515 people being injured and many perished in the fire as they could not escape from suffocation. There are an estimated 86,400 sweatshop workers working for Abercrombie and Fitch in a number of  LEDC countries (e.g. Philippines, Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc.) (Lina Abutaweeleh & Taleen Khlefai). Furthermore, on the official website of the brand under (A&F Vendor code of conduct) , they have stated 'A&F will not tolerate the use of child labour... 'Child labour' is defined as the employment of persons younger than the age of 14...' from analysing this and looking at different evidence it has been proven they do in fact use child labour, even if it is an age of 15 or older, (a person who needs to be in education). This is not ethically acceptable as fast fashion is something that affects lives and as a brand who talk about being safe and healthy they have been found to be lying constantly. (Ava Sittiseri, 2016)

Overall, this topic has been viewed as an issue in fashion as it is causing damage to the environment and lives. The mistake Abercrombie & Fitch have made is saying something to the public and then doing the opposite. This has affected their reputation, causing people to boycott the brand, which has made them lose finances throughout the years. 

  1. Ethan Nuss (2017, September 15). Abercrombie and Fitch commit to wood-based fabric policy. Retrieved from- 
  2. Ethan Nuss (2017, October 4). Abercrombie and Fitch campaign. A Retrospective. Retrieved  from-
  3. Lina Abutaweeleh & Taleen Khlefai. Fitch off- stop the abuse,  LEDC-Philippines Retrived from-
  4. Abercrombie and Fitch official website, Vendor code of conduct- (under- Child Labour) Retrieved from-
  5.  Ava Sittiseri (2016, March 3) Working conditions of Abercrombie And Fitch. Retrieved from-


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