Social Media & Influencers Analysis

Within the current market social media is consuming the  majority of the consumers’ engagement, making it critical for a brand to use it correctly. As Facebook is dominating the global market with nearly 2 billion active users followed by YouTube and Instagram with 1 billion. This shows it would be beneficial for A&F to use Social media as it can make a brand more engaged with an average consumer and accesses new customers. However, they are currently not using it to their advantage and have not gained the right attention for the brand image.
Abercrombie and Fitch have a multiple method if social media, e.g Instagram, twitter and Facebook. But from analysing these platforms I have seen it has not been used to the potential they could have. Starting with Instagram, where their competitors are taking advantage of gaining new audience Abercrombie and Fitch are losing more customers. As social media is a key in new generations as well as fashion as it could be used in methods of promoting/ advertising. But, it is whether A&F are using it correctly. 

The one thing to notice is each social media post like, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all consistent with the same images 3 times a day (morning, day and night). Looking through this it is something to be careful with us on social media it either works or doesn't depending on the strategy that is being used. Below would be each platform in more detail. 

The Instagram had restarted in 2016, which was to be in the new marketing idea, which had a mix feeling to the customers. This was a risk for the brand, as it had the potential to lose for followers and the brand in general. When observing the Instagram, I’ve noticed the engagement from the viewers was less.  Shown below is the overall statistics for A&F’s Instagram from their restart in 2016-22 January 2019: 

 Shown on the side is the overall statistics for A&F’s instagram from their restart in 2016-22 January 2019: The Figure shows: (an estimate average life received is 22 and comment is 1/2) But from what I have noticed some of the post are just general photographic images that have nothing to do with the brand which has an impact shown to have less attention. And the images that actually show the clothing is what has achieved most, if the engagement with a majority of positive comments.

As well as looking at the instagram, they have used the feature of showing a price to the viewer to convince them about buying the clothing. However, the currency has an issue as people have commented having issues with it is more expensive in other currency than USD. Looking at the evidence in pounds, it has a similar issue, where something would be for $34.80 but in £58. Which is a big difference and would put a customer of buying the certain clothing. Or if you're looking for an accessory it my doesn't show up on the website as its not available.  

The next platform I observed was twitter, the first post I was able to get was form 4th December 2017. Following seasonal post about winter collection and Christmas clothing. Something which is being shown throughout A&F social media is they do post seasonal images, representing the new
Clothing range that is out. The interesting thing is there are more outfit clothing on Twitter/ Facebook and related back to the brand.

Facebook is a good platform for them as it is one of the platforms with the most followers. The engagement with Facebook is a mixture as anyone can see it, allowing the location of the band to come out internationally and show A&F’s community what new. The comment section is a mixture as many people would still point out pervious controversies through the new post. However, the engagement of the brand to the customer is really quick and strong as they would answer to any questions or troubles a customer may be facing. 

YouTube, looks like it is being less used only there to post latest campaigns of the band. It looks to only have been around a year, but, I don't know whether they had restarted the whole platform like the rest of the social media. But the view on YouTube look really good and the video have a clear insight to whom the consumer are and what they are selling. The quality stands out as well as the production. However, it is not a sight the has been used a lot. With YouTube A&F can use it as an engagement to or quick insight to let customers have a feel of what's new or how the brand could be a whole community working together making customers feel part of them. 

The influence of the brand was not any social media, influence, but ‘brand ambassador’, who were people hired by the brand to be models outside the store. Mainly shirtless guys standing outside taking pictures and carrying attention.  This means they don't take apart within their platform to gain new insight into how an influence would be able to help. Which is a big part of the whole platform. In addition As far as influences, A&F currently do not engage with any. This may be because they used to have ambassadors, the shirtless guys outside the store, to gain customers' attention, but these have been removed. Also backlash of celebrity endorsement occurred with A&F causing more negative views. For example, Ellen DeGeneres YouTube video of 3 million views called ‘Fitch, Please’ talked about the brand's controversies of sizing. Since then the brand has not used any influence marketing and is focusing on social media marketing.  

 Looking and observing the social media I was able to notice that not many people engage with the past as people would see it put comments and likes would be low. This is something the brand would have to change due to the effect social media in the generation Z is huge and influences are a big part of gaining attention. Using these methods it would allow the brand to gain more attraction and insight to the correct consumer. 


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